Repairs to commence on Havelock Road Bridge

Friday 25 February 2011, 3:33PM

By Hastings District Council



Work to repair damage caused when a tree fell on the Havelock Road Bridge will begin on Monday.

Repairs are required to the bridge walkway, after the large tree fell during a storm in September last year.

Some repair work is also required on the roadway between the bridge and St Georges Road.

“Group Manager, Asset Management David Fraser says the work will be carried out between 9am and 4.30pm, to minimize disruption to school and peak hour traffic.

“A temporary road closure will be in place during the time the work is carried out and detours will be well signposted” Mr Fraser says.

“Arrangements are in place for those who live on Havelock Road, to be able to get to their homes”.

Weather permitting, the work will begin on Monday February 28th and continue to Wednesday March 2nd.

“David Fraser says if bad weather causes any delays to the work, an extra day will be added to compensate”.

The Hastings District Council apologises for any delays which may be caused, while the repair work is undertaken.