Claims volumes still low as Cantabrians look after each other – AA Insurance

Monday 28 February 2011, 7:40AM

By AA Insurance



Claims volumes are still low, possibly because some customers do not realise the help available to them, such as temporary accommodation and other welfare services such as emergency grants, according to AA Insurance.

The company has arranged accommodation for people as far away as Auckland.

Some customers are choosing to stay with friends and family in the region, or to leave Christchurch without returning to their homes to assess the damage first, the company has found.

“We want to remind our customers that they are covered for temporary accommodation outside of Christchurch as well,” says Suzanne Wolton, Head of Corporate Affairs, AA Insurance. “We’ve not had as many customers contact us for help with temporary accommodation as we expected at this stage.

“We’ve organised places to stay right around the South Island, and even in Auckland for customers who want to move further afield. This is a very stressful time for those in Christchurch and we’ve found that with the constant aftershocks as a reminder, it is too much for some people who are looking at their options outside the region, both on a short term and a permanent basis.”

“People are rallying around friends and family and looking after each other,” says Suzanne. “Customers have accepted offers to stay in places throughout the country as they try to deal with the impact of the latest earthquake on their lives.”

“We understand that some customers haven’t been able to return to their homes yet, or have chosen not to,” says Suzanne. “We want to repeat that there’s no hurry to lodge a claim until you’re ready – you don’t need to worry about this yet, however if you need temporary accommodation, AA Insurance will look after this for you.”

To contact AA Insurance customers should call 0800 500 216.