Free airport parking for those helping Christchurch residents

Tuesday 1 March 2011, 6:51AM

By Invercargill City Council



Invercargill Airport is making special provisions to help Southland’s good Samaritans who are helping those caught up in the Christchurch earthquake.

General Manager Chloe Scala said this afternoon that the Airport had put in place a free parking policy for people waiting at Invercargill Airport to meet Christchurch residents who had left the earthquake struck city.

“People should enter the car park and take a ticket as usual. When they leave the car park, they should contact a Parking Warden to obtain a free exit ticket.

“Airport Parking Wardens are identifiable by their bright yellow, fluorescent jackets.”

Mrs Scala said that the parking policy relied on the goodwill and honesty of people visiting the Airport.

“It is a small way for Invercargill Airport and its staff to extend our support to the people of Christchurch, Mrs Scala said.