Southland to fore in RaboDirect age group cycling championships

Thursday 3 March 2011, 7:35AM

By Cycling New Zealand



Local Southland women proved they got better with age on the second night of finals at the RaboDirect Age Group Track Championships in Invercargill.

Southland women set two national records in the masters’ 500m time trial. Erin Criglington (35-44 years) rode a stunning ride to beat her previous national record by nearly a second in 38.73s8.

Fellow Southlander Jacquline Dearlove, defending champion in the women’s 45-54 years age group, shaved over a second off her time setting a new national standard of 39.213.

Auckland’s Paige Patterson caused an upset when she beat junior world representative Stephanie McKenzie in the under-19 girls keirin final. It was a tight battle which saw the winner exact revenge after reversing yesterday’s sprint final.

Michael White had the home crowd behind him in narrowly beating Chris Henderson (Otago),brother of Team Sky Pro Tour rider Greg Henderson in the 35-44 years 750m time trial.

After two rounds Canterbury’s Dylan Kennett is leading the under 19 men’s omnium standings. Alexandra’s Sophie Williamson has a secure three point lead in the under 19 women’s event after winning the first two rounds.

Tomorrow’s racing sees most age categories tackle the individual pursuits. 

Full results are available here: