Animal Control officer saves puppy with mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation

Friday 4 March 2011, 8:41AM

By Rotorua District Council


DOG'S BEST FRIEND: Animal control officer Andy Hope saves puppy with mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation
DOG'S BEST FRIEND: Animal control officer Andy Hope saves puppy with mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation Credit: Rotorua District Council


A Rotorua District Council (RDC) animal control officer went beyond the call of duty this week when he brought a stray puppy back to life with mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation.

RDC animal control officer, and warranted animal welfare inspector, Andy Hope saved the Labrador’s life by administering resuscitation to the unresponsive puppy on Tuesday [1 March].

Mr Hope says he had earlier picked up the 8-week-old Labrador found roaming in Western Heights and delivered it to the council’s pound on State Highway 30.

“On Tuesday I got a frantic call from animal control officer Michelle Atkins at the pound saying she’d found the puppy choking after he’d been given his afternoon feed.

“I went straight to the pound and tried to clear the puppy’s airway by putting my fingers down his throat. When this didn’t work I tried the Heimlich manoeuvre without any luck. So I put him in the van to get him to the vet as quickly as I could.

“By the time we got to Malfroy Rd he wasn’t breathing so I gave him mouth-to-mouth when we stopped at the traffic lights and shortly after he started breathing again.”

The puppy was given oxygen and steroids at the vet’s clinic, however it was unclear what had caused it to stop breathing.

“We didn’t know if it was a bee sting or something like food trapped in his airway. However he’s now got a wheezy little cough so it appears food is stuck in his throat,” says Mr Hope.

Mr Hope has named the puppy Benson, after Benson & Hedges cigarettes, due to his “smoker’s cough”.

Benson is a beautiful little black Labrador puppy who is currently on antibiotics and, along with many other dogs at the pound, requires re-homing. For a list of dogs currently available for re-homing check out RDC’s ‘Homeless Hounds’ webpage on