Tips for pet owners

Friday 4 March 2011, 9:41AM

By Purina



The staff at Purina Petcare would like to pass on their best wishes to everyone affected by the Christchurch earthquake. They have put together the following pet tips to help owners of stressed pets and are offering free petcare advice for residents worried about their pets (0800 738 847).
Tips to Manage stress in Dogs

  • Try to keep routines the same as possible this will help your dog to feel more secure
  • Provide a quiet space just for your dog that they can retreat to like a crate
  • Try to remain as calm as possible around your dog as they will sense your anxiety
  • Try to provide some company for your dog during the day or have someone check on them during the day as being alone during times of stress will increase their anxiety
  • If your dog’s anxiety is severe speak to your Veterinarian, as products are available over the counter or on prescription at your Veterinary Clinic that may help

Tips to Manage stress in Cats

  • If you cat is injured or unwell, seek veterinary attention as soon as possible
  • Keep cats indoors in a confined space such as spare room, laundry or bathroom set up with litter tray, food bowl and comfortable bedding (blankets with pet's scent on them)
  • Sit very quietly with your cat and reassure them, playing if they will with their favourite toys Ensure your cat has blankets or clothing it is familiar with as familiar smells are comforting
  • Cats can read human behaviour, so if you are worried, so will they be
  • A constant clean supply of water is very important
  • If cat won't eat, offer tasty smelly foods such as fish, chicken - their favourite treats. Sometimes wet foods work best

Free petcare advice is available from Purina on 0800 738 847 available between 8.30am and 5.00pm