Omega-3s... From Conception to Early Childhood

Tuesday 8 March 2011, 3:56PM

By PR-ink


The Nordic Naturals range of products that cater to expectant mothers, babies and children.
The Nordic Naturals range of products that cater to expectant mothers, babies and children. Credit: PR-ink

The number of births in New Zealand is on the increase, an additional 1,350 babies were born last year , and health professionals are urging expectant mothers to optimise their health during pregnancy by ensuring they are getting enough essential fatty acids in their diet.

It’s long been known that women ought to optimise their health whilst pregnant, from cutting out caffine, alcohol and certain foods, however a less commonly known fact is that essential fatty acids can greatly benefit babies while developing in the womb as well as into their early childhood years and beyond.

Essential fatty acids or EFAs are considered ‘essential fats’ because they cannot be produced by our bodies but are required to support all bodily systems. They are essential for good health, in particular brain health and brain development.

According to research, the most beneficial EFAs are the omega-3s eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

‘The brain is made up of 60% fat – with up to half of that fat being omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA so EFAs are particularly influential to unborn babies,’ says Stuart Tomc Nordic Naturals’ National Educator.

As most of the brains development occurs prior to birth, omega-3s are recommended for optimal foetal development. Adequate intake of DHA during pregnancy has been related to the development of the central nervous system, brain, eyes, and immune system. It has even been shown to rapidly accumulate during the last trimester of pregnancy and during this time the baby uses the essential fatty acids to form approximately 70% of the brain system.

Research has shown that infants born of mothers with higher DHA levels were shown to be less distracted and had a better ability to focus. The study also concluded that DHA levels at the time of birth could have long-term cognitive effects, including higher child development and performance1.

Stuart said; ‘Because omega-3s can benefit children after birth, choosing the right nutrients can make a big difference towards giving children a head start.’

DHA is also important to children after birth as the brain continues to develop well into young adulthood. A steady supply of EFAs helps children to perform at their best and maximise learning. Research has shown that children given omega-3s were calmer and less impulsive and their behaviour, attention and vocabulary all improved2.

Omega-3s were also found to benefit mothers. One published study found that women with higher DHA levels suffered nearly half the rate of postpartum depression as women with lower levels3.

To ensure children and mothers received the omega-3s they need Stuart Tomc recommends using specifically designed fish oil supplements.

The omega 3s found in cold water fish such as sardines, anchovies, and cod are a great food source of the EFAs they need, but due to concerns about environmental toxins (such as mercury), a purified fish oil supplement is recommended as the ideal source of EPA and DHA.

Nordic Naturals has created a range of products that cater to expectant mothers, babies and children. These include: 1 bottle of Prenatal DHA containing 90 soft gels, 1 bottle of Baby’s DHA that has a unique dropper for ease of use, and 1 bottle of Children’s DHA containing 180 soft gels. These products will ensure mum, baby and children have all the essential omega-3s they need.

To learn more about published scientific research showing how omega-3 essential fatty acids aids foetal development and boost children’s brains, health and well-being, see

Distributing products to over 25 countries, Nordic Naturals is the international leader in omega-3 fish oils. The company has built a strong reputation in the omega-3 fatty acid category by delivering exceptional purity, freshness, taste and demonstrating environmental responsibility. Nordic Naturals has over 150 different fish oil products including liquids, soft gels, and children's chewables – all in natural triglyceride form(*see below). For information, call 0800 439 631 or visit

For New Zealand enquiries and for information on stockists of Nordic Naturals pplease call NaturalMeds on 0800 439631 or visit

*Natural Triglyceride Form - All Nordic Naturals formulas are in the natural triglyceride form, ensuring optimal absorption and utilization by the body. Many omega-3 fish oils are manufactured in synthetic ethyl ester form, which is a new-to-nature form that is highly unstable and can rapidly breakdown during storage. This can then be difficult for the body to convert to the natural triglyceride form, posing an oxidation burden to the body in the form of free radical formation.