High country goose hunt a 'honking' success

Friday 11 March 2011, 1:05PM

By Fish & Game NZ


Successful hunters at the recent high country goose shoot at Molesworth Station, Marlborough.
Successful hunters at the recent high country goose shoot at Molesworth Station, Marlborough. Credit: Fish & Game NZ
Successful hunters at the recent high country goose shoot at Molesworth Station, Marlborough.
Successful hunters at the recent high country goose shoot at Molesworth Station, Marlborough. Credit: Fish & Game NZ


Hunters from throughout the country and as far afield as Australia recently braved some brutal weather conditions at Molesworth Station in the Marlborough high country to complete a successful Canada Goose hunt.

Over four days the 140 hunters – working in groups spread across the Molesworth Recreation Reserve, St James Conservation Area and Rainbow Station – bagged 1010 geese in the first of three shoots for the year, organised annually by Fish & Game NZ.

Fish & Game Nelson/Marlborough field officer Vaughan Lynn says he is extremely happy with the effort.

“The weather over the four-day shoot was trying to say the least,” he says. “We only had one fine day and the rest of the time it was cold with strong winds and either rain, sleet or snow.

“To endure such poor hunting conditions and bag 200 more geese than last year is an excellent result for the hunters, many of whom were camping out.”

Fish & Game NZ is bound by the South Island Canada Goose Management Plan to keep the population at appropriate levels – Canada geese can cause problems for farmers when large numbers congregate on new crops.

“Hunters have been successful in keeping the Canada Goose population at satisfactory levels in the top of the South Island; we haven’t needed to conduct culls for more than 20 years now,” says Lynn.

He says the organised shoots provide a great opportunity to visit a spectacular part of New Zealand and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow hunters.

“All those I’ve spoken to thoroughly enjoyed themselves despite the weather.”

While some of the hunters have been taking part for more than 20 years, Fish & Game is always on the look out for new participants.

“Canada geese are a notoriously wily quarry and they’ll really test your skills,” says Lynn. “Hunters work in teams and use a lot of specialised gear and hunting techniques. If you think you’ve got what it takes and want to give Canada Goose hunting a shot, let us know.”

Fish & Game has two further hunts scheduled for Queen’s Birthday Weekend and Labour Weekend.