New Website Emerges to Tell Tales of the Christchurch Earthquake

Wednesday 16 March 2011, 10:05PM

By Mint Design



In both the devastating February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch, and the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, social and online media has played a vital part in the spread of information and the organisation of rebuilding efforts. is the latest to hit the world wide web. 40Seconds provides a platform for those affected by the earthquake to share their story with the world of how one 40 second earthquake changed their world.

“After the quake, I couldn’t shake the feeling of utter incomprehension at how much could change in just 40 seconds” says co-founder of the website, Shayne Moore. “The quake just seemed to come out of nowhere. It shook the hell out of the city, and left a trail of death and destruction - all in 40 seconds. Even now, three weeks after the quake, it’s hard to understand it”.

Moore, a social media marketing expert with nearly 8,000 followers on his Twitter and Facebook accounts noticed members of the online community expressing similar feelings of disbelief that so much damage could occur in such a short space of time.

Wanting to do what he can to help re-build Christchurch, Moore rallied staff from his graphic and web design company, Mint Design, and built with the intention to provide an outlet for quake-affected residents to share their stories and express their grief.

“We encourage everyone to come forward and share their experience. You don’t need to have a heroic story, or a near death experience. All stories should be heard”, says Moore.

All proceeds earned from will be donated to the Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Appeal