Warriors - Search Begins For Official Fan Chant

Sunday 18 February 2007, 12:21PM

By Infonews Editor



Vodafone Warriors fans are being encouraged to make more noise in the 2007 season with a search launched today to find the official team supporters' chant.

Vodafone One Tribe today laid a challenge to fans with the launch of Vodafone One Tribe Your Chant - a competition asking the public to develop a supportive chant for the boys. The winning chant will be performed by thousands of fans at the first game on March 17 and kept alive all season at Mt Smart.

Vodafone Warrior Logan Swann, who has returned to the team this season from three years in the English Super League, says he encourages passionate fans to get in behind the competition and make more noise at Mt Smart.

"Vodafone Warriors fans are brilliant, but there still is a big difference between crowds in New Zealand and England.

"The crowds I played in front of for Bradford and Warrington were really into chants. The fans would exchange chants with the rival team's supporters and it made for a fantastic atmosphere," says Logan.

Sue McGregor, Head of Sponsorship at Vodafone, says that Vodafone One Tribe wants to introduce a new element to fans' game day experience that allows them to be more vocal with their support of the team.

"We are urging Vodafone Warriors fans to get vocal this season. Vodafone Warriors fans are as passionate as they get and I know the team would love to hear that support at the games." says Sue.

Logan says that a lot of the chants used players' names, "It was easy with Henry Fa'afili - but not quite so easy with my name!"

People can enter the competition by emailing either a video, audio file or simply the words and melody of their chant to Visitors to the community carnival day at Mt Smart this Sunday will also be able to submit their entry through the Vodafone Cheerleaders who will be there drumming up entries.

The Your Chant competition closes at midday on Tuesday 27th February, and the winning chant will be announced the next day.

Vodafone One Tribe, the supporters club for the Vodafone Warriors, was launched by Vodafone in 2006 as a way to bring fans closer to the Vodafone Warriors. It attracted over 14,000 members in its first year and has the potential to grow into one of the NRL's biggest supporters club.

Vodafone One Tribe Your Chant guidelines - some tips on creating your chant:

* The best chants are short and simple

* Chants are normally performed to a melody or a rhythm

* Additional noise like clapping can add to the impact of the chant

* The chant is meant to encourage and support the Vodafone Warriors while they are playing, the words of the chant should reflect this

* The Vodafone Warriors aren't about putting people down, so chants shouldn't be derogatory

* The winning chant will become intellectual property of Vodafone One Tribe