Pulling Dog?

Tuesday 5 April 2011, 1:40PM

By Dog Guru


A recent survey by K9 magazine in the UK has discovered that 53% of users who went to their site had problems with dogs pulling on the lead.

Simon Goodall of Dog Guru says that this is not surprising. Simon says "many of our clients come to us with issues with pulling on the lead so these results are not that uncommon. Many people can cope with everything else but unfortunately when your dog pulls on the lead it can just add to the frustration of owning a dog"

Simon has some tips for pulling on the lead. The main one is to take it slowly. If your dog can do anything slowly then fast is no problems. Ensure everyone in the house is walking at the same pace. It is useless if one person is running the dog and the other one walking. Make sure you all have the same technique and give it a few weeks before giving up.


Simon Goodall is the Director of Dog Guru Ltd one of NZ's largest dog training companies. You can check out Dog Guru at