Composting helps the garden grow

Saturday 23 April 2011, 9:48AM

By Hastings District Council



As autumn turns into winter, it’s time to think about composting as a way of helping your garden produce fresh vegetables next summer.

Most gardens produce lots of green waste in the form of weeds and plants which have finished producing vegetables and it’s this, along with kitchen waste, which can become so important in providing nutrients for the soil next growing season.

Hastings District Council Waste Minimisation Officer Angela Atkins says “a FREE public workshop is to be held this month, which will provide plenty of information on how to turn your kitchen and green waste into valuable fertilizer for the garden”.

“Experienced tutors will be available to answer all your questions about composting, worm farming and bokashi composting, which is an easy and exciting way of breaking down waste into usable fertilizer” Mrs Atkins says.

“Leaves are falling from trees at this time of the year and these can be a great source of organic waste which will be nicely composted and ready to spread on your vegetable garden, in spring”.

The free composting workshop is to be held from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday April 30th at the Havelock North Playcentre on Porter Drive.

Let’s take the next step in gardening, by using the free organic material you have at your disposal and make your own compost.

To register for the FREE composting workshop, phone the Environment Centre Hastings on 8704942 or e-mail