Have your say on Hutt transport improvements

Monday 2 May 2011, 7:47AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



People are being asked to give their feedback on a package of transport improvements contained in the Draft Hutt Corridor Plan 2011.

The plan covers the area from Ngauranga interchange through to Te Marua, Upper Hutt, and includes east-west connections between State Highway 2 and State Highway 1, including State Highway 58.

Fran Wilde, Chair of Wellington Regional Transport Committee, says the improvements aim to improve travel within the Hutt Valley and from there to other parts of Wellington region. “Whether you’re in a car, on a train or a bus, driving a freight truck, on a bike or walking, projects in the draft plan aim to make it easier and safer for you to get to where you need to go.”

The draft plan proposes a 10-year programme that includes:

  • Improving the walking and cycling network through the Hutt Valley, including completing a key strategic link between Petone and Ngauranga
  • Investigation and construction of a new Petone to Grenada link road and associated improvements including potential ramp metering on State Highway 2, and the ‘bush to beach’ pedestrian/cycling link.
  • Continuing upgrades to rail services through the corridor, including refurbishment of the existing Ganz Mavag units and ongoing station and ‘park n ride’ upgrades.
  • A package of safety improvements on State Highway 2, State Highway 58, Grays Road and the adjacent local road network.
  • Grade separating the intersection of State Highways 2 and 58 to improve safety and capacity.
  • Providing for improved freight access between the Seaview/Gracefield industrial area and State Highway 2 through investigating improvements to the Petone Esplanade, and advocating for the continued protection of the Seaview rail corridor.

The improvements build on those made since the existing Hutt Corridor Plan was adopted in 2003. Projects completed since then include the Dowse interchange, improved walking and cycling paths along the Hutt River Trail, rail network upgrades and new trains and safer intersections at SH2 through Upper Hutt.

“A lot of work has gone on in the Hutt Corridor over the last seven years but, as always, there’s still a lot more we can do to improve the transport networks. Most of the improvements we’re proposing have come out of a number of relevant studies carried out in the last few years such as NZTA’s Ngauranga Triangle Strategic Study, SH2 study and SH58 study. So the projects in the plan are based on considerable research,” says Fran Wilde.

“A key project in the plan is a proposed link road between Grenada and Petone. This would meet the need for better east-west connections between State Highways 1 and 2, for example travelling from Porirua to Lower Hutt. This new link would reduce congestion on all three state highways, create the opportunity for direct public transport between Porirua and Petone and enable freight to be transported more efficiently between Lower Hutt and north Wellington / Porirua.

Fran Wilde says a good quality walking and cycling route between Petone and Ngauranga is another major project in the plan. “The lack of a decent cycling facility on this stretch of SH2, which is used by a large number of cyclists each day, sticks out like a sore thumb in our regional cycling network. It’s generally agreed that a need for such a facility is long overdue.”

Submissions on the Draft Hutt Corridor Plan 2011 close on Wednesday 15 June 2011.

More information and an online submission form is available here.