Prisoner job training to help Christchurch

Wednesday 4 May 2011, 2:53PM

By Judith Collins



Corrections Minister Judith Collins announced today that more prisoners would receive trade and employment training to help meet the demand for these skills in the Christchurch recovery.

“The second Christchurch earthquake has generated a huge demand for trade skills as the rebuild gets underway. To meet this demand, the Department of Corrections will be ramping up trade training in the areas of highest demand,” Ms Collins said.

“Over the next 12 months, between 130 and 160 new training placements in specific trades will be provided at Christchurch Men’s Prison.

“Three new training workshops will also be established in the low security area of the prison, which will deliver courses in painting, plastering, plumbing, drain laying and gas welding.

“Existing carpentry and joinery skills for house building and refurbishment training will also be expanded.

“The training workshops will be operational by late October and the first group of prisoners will be completing NZQA qualifications in the New Year.”

Ms Collins said these initiatives would give prisoners the skills they needed to contribute positively to the rebuild, both from within prison and following their release.

“This increase in employment and trade training will also reduce re-offending because it provides prisoners with the real skills they will need to find a job following release.”

Evidence shows that prisoners are much less likely to commit further crime if they have a job after they are released from prison.