Eastern Arterial Route faces further obstacles

Wednesday 11 May 2011, 7:18AM

By Labour Party



The controversial Rotorua Eastern Arterial route has hit more than one snag on its road to completion, says Steve Chadwick Labour’s list MP based in Rotorua.

“Consultation with Māori should have been completed in June but the newest snag to emerge is the news that Transport Minister Steven Joyce has put a two year freeze on local roading,” Steve Chadwick said.

“The Regional Roading Plan was agreed to under a Labour Government but this cut to regional funding is yet another example of National Government cuts that will have an impact on our ability to grow the economy at the local level.

“I attended the Regional Mayors and MPs meeting on 6 May and heard for myself the dissatisfaction among local leaders that this piece of infrastructure has hit yet another snag,” Steve Chadwick said.