Champion of Samoan rights will be missed

Thursday 19 May 2011, 3:06PM

By Labour Party



The Pacific community are grieving the loss of Wellington based Queen’s Counsel, Dr George Barton, a champion of Pacific rights, says Labour’s Pacific Island spokesperson Su’a William Sio.

“I want to express my sorrow for the death Dr Barton and pay tribute to his courage and sacrifice in supporting Pacific people,” Su’a William Sio said.

“Samoans in particular will remember him fondly for his significant personal contribution when he spoke out against New Zealand’s 1982 Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act.

“That law overrode a Privy Council ruling that gave New Zealand citizenship to Samoans born between 1924 and 1948 when New Zealand still administered Western Samoa.

“He will be remembered as a courageous fighter for the rights of others. He tirelessly fought for the Samoan community, working to right any injustice in the status of Samoan citizenship.

“We will remember Dr Barton as someone who saw everyone as equal before the law and respected all peoples as equals irrespective of colour, race or ethnicity.

“While he was a gentle and dignified person, he was a strong and fierce defender of people’s rights under the law and was not afraid to take on unpopular cases,” Su’a William Sio said.

Dr Barton had gained a doctorate from Cambridge University and had been admitted to the Bar in New Zealand, Sarawak, Sabah, Cook Islands, Niue and Samoa.

“My deepest sympathies and condolences are with Dr Barton’s family at this sad time.

“The Pacific community have lost a strong and dear friend,” Su’a William Sio said.