Central Richmond Revitalisation Project

Saturday 21 May 2011, 8:31AM

By Tasman District Council



Tasman District Council continues to work on the Richmond Central Business District revitalisation project.

Over the last few months a series of workshops have highlighted some of the issues we are facing if the project is to be successful. These issues include: Giving Richmond an image – making it somewhere as opposed to anywhere; improving the gateway experience into Richmond; enhancing the visual quality of the town and the cost.

The project team has gathered considerable amounts of data since September and this has now been analysed and added as layers on the Geographical Information system at Council.

A recent workshop with the urban design consultant, Graeme McIndoe identified eight opportunities for revitalisation. These opportunities were then tested with the Richmond Ward Councillors and the reference group. The reference group was selected on the criteria that they were representative of the business community, either as landowners or retailers as well as the wider community. Several members of this reference group are also members of Richmond Unlimited and include Andrew McGlashen.

The identified opportunities include:

  • Improve the gateway experience with a clear and direct entry to Queen Street.
  • Intensify the retail experience by creating active frontages on Queen Street, plus having shared and coordinated car parking.
  • The potential to have an intensification of mixed land use, especially around the fringes of the Central Business District.
  • Revitalise Queen Street – this can be done in several ways but could be achieved by enhancing the streetscape and connections; increasing the number of reasons for people to isit and stay in the town centre and possibly allowing for taller buildings to support more people and activities to be located at the centre.
  • Develop a ‘Memorial Avenue’ along Cambridge Street.
  • Enhance linkages which are continuous, visible, safe and fit for purpose.
  • More green elements and space, which is the item that was, mentioned the most when we asked the community for ideas on how they would like Richmond to look in the future.
  • Council staff now needs to start developing these ideas and opportunities in preparation for the next workshop, which is likely to take place in a month’s time. Councillors and the reference group will also have the opportunity to be involved in this process. The objective of this workshop will be to develop an urban design concept, which will then be put out for public consultation.

Whilst all this is happening, you may notice that there are some cosmetic changes occurring on Queen Street. Over the next few weeks, the old rubbish bins and seats will be replaced with an upgraded style which will create a more consistent theme with respect to street furniture in the central business area.

If you have any comments, please contact Sarah Downs - Project Manager, Tasman District Council