Press notice from Brake on cyclist death investigation

Tuesday 24 May 2011, 5:29PM

By Brake



Brake, the road safety charity welcomes the news that Waikato Coroner Gordon Matenga will travel to four separate regions throughout the country to hear evidence relating to eight cycling deaths to try and identify any common trends or information that could prevent a reoccurrence of such tragedies.

Chief executive Mary Williams said: "There are two vital measures that the government already recognises in its road safety strategy will save lives of cyclists in many circumstances: slower traffic and separate cycle paths that connect homes, schools and places of work. If these things are prioritised in local and state highway plans then not only will cycling be safer, but more people will do it, saving the environment as well as lives in support of NZ’s international reputation as a green nation.”

“But regardless of the need for these vital measures, cycling is great for fitness and general health and individual drivers can help their communities get on their bikes, share our roads and stop these deaths right now by driving slowly and always ‘thinking bike’ and expecting to see a cyclist round every bend and at every junction, particularly in towns and on bendy rural roads. Most cycling deaths are caused by drivers not cyclist error.”

Notes for editors:
Brake is a road safety charity working to stop deaths on NZ roads and support families bereaved by the carnage. For more info, go to