Queenstown ski areas invest in brand new rental system

Thursday 26 May 2011, 8:16AM

By NZSki


The Remarkables Rentals HOD, Will Curnow
The Remarkables Rentals HOD, Will Curnow Credit: NZSki
Coronet Peak Rentals HOD, Jim Hemmingway
Coronet Peak Rentals HOD, Jim Hemmingway Credit: NZSki


Visitors renting ski gear at Queenstown’s top ski areas can access the slopes faster this season thanks to the arrival of brand new state-of-the-art rental equipment.

Coronet Peak and The Remarkables welcomed the latest HEAD BYS ski fitting system to each mountain this week.

The new system revolutionizes the speed and efficiency with which people can be fitted with skis and boots that are pre-matched and colour-coded. All that needs to be decided once the foot is measured is what length ski the customer needs.

The system promises to be hugely popular with even the most experienced skiers – providing the best in-shop service matched with on-snow performance.

The delivery of 1,300 pairs of skis and boots means an enhanced guest experience on both mountains with an overall improved rental experience in terms of speed of fit and equipment quality, according to Coronet Peak Rentals Department Head Jim Hemmingway.

“It will be a far more efficient and faster process all round from beginning to end when people are going through the rentals department,” he said.

“There’s no need for people to worry about the hassle of bringing their own equipment if they’re travelling from around New Zealand or overseas – the HEAD BYS gear is brand new, state-of-the-art gear,” he said.

The system’s efficiency is due to the three boot-standardized sole lengths that are colour coded Black, Yellow and Silver (BYS). Guests follow that same colour category throughout the whole rental process.

The Remarkables Rentals Department Head Will Curnow said guests could keep both boots on right from the start.

“Guest feedback told us that one of their biggest ‘bug bears’ was the need to keep one boot off so technicians could fine-tune the fit, and then have to muck around trying to get the second boot on.

“There’s no need for all that now,” he said. “People keep both boots on from the start and they stay on.

“The only adjustment that’s required is the ‘DIN’ release setting on the binding, so we check their weight and experience level and they’re off hitting the slopes.

“This is going to be hugely efficient during peak times – we’ll be able to race through the queue and help large numbers of people in very little time so they get the most time out there on the snow.”

HEAD BYS rental details are loaded onto the guest mypass for future use across Coronet Peak, Mt Hutt and The Remarkables.

For maximum flexibility, skis and boots can be returned at the end of their rental period to Coronet Peak, The Remarkables or Queenstown Snow Centre, irrespective of where they were picked up.

Coronet Peak is scheduled to open for the 2011 season on Saturday 4th June and The Remarkables on Saturday 18th June subject to conditions.