Housewarming programme benefits Aucklanders

Friday 1 July 2011, 2:49PM

By Auckland Council



A region wide Auckland Council programme to help Aucklanders make their homes warmer, healthier and more sustainable is now available.

The Retrofit Your Home initiative allows ratepayers, with homes built before 2000, to access financial assistance for a range of household sustainability items including insulation, clean heating, ventilation and water efficient fittings such as rainwater tanks.

Piloted in West Auckland, the successful Retrofit Your Home initiative is now being rolled out across the whole Auckland region for the benefit of homeowners.

“It’s fantastic that Aucklanders can now benefit from a programme that allows them to live in healthy, warm and dry homes,” says Auckland Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse.

“An unhealthy home can have a real impact on people’s health and wellbeing and inefficient systems can add a lot to household energy and water expenses. We want to encourage all ratepayers to improve their homes in energy-efficient and sustainable ways.”

A maximum of $5000 including GST per rateable property is available and is paid back to council through property rates over a period of nine years.

Repayments don’t begin until July 2012 and a total funding pool of $3 million is available region wide.

Developed as a partnership between Auckland Council and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), the programme builds on the government’s Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart home insulation programme.

EECA’s Chief Executive Mike Underhill is delighted to partner with the Auckland Council on the Retrofit Your Home initiative.

“The benefits of insulation are proven and the programme will make it easier for Aucklanders to invest in insulation and enjoy the benefits for years to come,” says Mr Underhill.

“There’s also an added bonus. Homeowners who take up the scheme are still eligible to apply for the Warm-up NZ Energy Efficiency Conservation subsidy which doesn’t have to be repaid.”

For your free home assessment and more information contact the council on (09) 301 0101. Alternatively, go to or email