Wellington region commits to support economic development

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 3:48PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Wellington’s political leaders have agreed to continue to work closely together in a partnership that supports economic development across the region, through the Wellington Regional Strategy.

The Wellington Regional Strategy (WRS) was developed four years ago as a collaborative effort and there has now been a formal agreement to “refresh” it.

“It’s great to see councils in this region committed to sustainable economic development and working together to achieve benefits for the whole region,” WRS Committee Chairman Sir John Anderson said.

“With the regional economy currently slowing and under threat from forecast job losses in the public sector, as well as proposals to move some government and Crown activities either partially or fully to Auckland, it’s more important than ever for this region to commit to a strategy that grows its economy.

“The WRS has recently been reviewed by Wellington business consultancy Martin Jenkins. The review concluded that there remain good reasons to continue pursuing economic development at a region-wide level, and to fund and deliver related activities regionally,” he said.

“However, the review also recommends that the Strategy itself be refreshed, and highlights areas where improvements can be made to the governance and implementation arrangements. All of the councils involved will work together to agree on and make the necessary changes,” Sir John Anderson said.

The WRS Committee comprises independent chair Sir John Anderson, six of the region’s eight mayors, the chair of Greater Wellington, and four independent members from the community. It is funded by an economic development rate collected by Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Useful web links

Martin Jenkins review report:

Wellington Regional Strategy:

Grow Wellington web site:

Additional information about the Wellington Regional Strategy
The WRS is a sustainable growth strategy that has been developed by greater Wellington’s nine local authorities, in conjunction with central government and the region’s businesses, education, research and voluntary sector interests. The aim is to make greater Wellington internationally competitive.

The Strategy is being implemented by Grow Wellington (the region’s economic development agency) and the WRS Office which works with all the councils in the region.

The WRS has been in place since 2007 and is funded by a regional economic development rate collected by GW. Additional funds come from external funding opportunities and contributions from individual councils.

A review of the WRS at this time was a condition of its establishment.

The WRS Committee comprises an independent chair, six of the region’s eight mayors, the chair of GW, and five independent members drawn from the community. The Committee is supported by a CEOs’ group and the WRS office.