Tea Time

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 10:57AM



Red Bush tea has so many wonderful health benefits; it should be in every home.
Did you know –

• Red Bush is higher in antioxidants than Green tea but is totally caffeine free
• Red Bush is rich in Vitamin C, proteins and minerals (magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and zinc)
• Red Bush can help soothe tension and irritability, and support natural sleep
• Red Bush is traditionally used to help pacify infants eho may be restless from colic, digestive problems or having trouble sleeping (mixed with expressed breast milk or formula)
• Red Bush helps soothe irritated skin (just apply cool tea to skin) and cool tea bags applied to tired or red eyes are very soothing
Red Bush really does deserve the title “super tea” – try Red Seal Red Bush (also available in Lemon & Ginger and Spice flavours) today.

Red Seal Red Bush – Super Tea!

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