Tsunami warning for Auckland - expected arrival 10am today

Thursday 7 July 2011, 9:50AM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Civil Defence has issued a tsunami warning for Auckland coastlines. We are assessing the potential severity of the event.

The warning is for:
A tsunami potentially of one metre or more including strong currents and disturbed seas and estuaries.

People need to:
· Turn on their radios and listen to the advice from civil defence
· Keep away from areas below until cancellation of the warning:
· Low-lying areas / roads / bridges
· Beaches
· Estuaries
· Marinas and harbours due to fast-running currents

Detailed safety advice will come from the Auckland Emergency Coordination Centre and emergency services in the area. People should act on it promptly. If told to evacuate they should, where possible, take a radio and cellphone with them and check for updates.

The Auckland Civil Defence Controller Clive Manley said that the Auckland Emergency Coordination Centre has been activated and is working urgently with emergency services and the media to provide the public with detailed safety advice.

People are advised to stay off beaches, stay out of the water, not to go sightseeing, share this information with family, friends and neighbours, keep up to date with Civil Defence updates and to follow the instructions of Civil Defence local authorities.

GNS Science has convened the tsunami expert panel and all available New Zealand and international data about the earthquake and sea levels will continue to be monitored and analysed.

The Auckland Group Emergency Coordination Centre will release further information as soon as it becomes available.