Pure Advantage campaign a great idea

Friday 8 July 2011, 9:56AM

By Greenpeace Aotearoa


Solar Farm
Solar Farm Credit: Greenpeace NZ


Auckland July 7 2011: Greenpeace is welcoming the launch of the Pure Advantage group’s campaign to have New Zealand capitalise on its potential to develop a strong, clean economy.

Pure Advantage is also calling on the country’s clean green image to be protected.

Pure Advantage is made up of some of New Zealand’s most successful businesspeople, including the founder of The Warehouse, Sir Stephan Tindall, Phillip Mills, of the Les Mills gym franchise, and Rob Morrison.

“Today’s launch shows that our best entrepreneurs see the potential of the clean economy, and the dangers in not protecting this country’s competitive edge – its clean, green image,” says Greenpeace New Zealand Climate Campaigner Nathan Argent.

“We will all do well if we act on what Pure Advantage is telling us,” Argent says.

“The rest of the world, much of which is aware of the gains to be made from transitioning to a clean economy, is getting away on us.

“The amount of investment overseas in clean energies and technologies, for example, is astonishing. South Korea alone will have spent US$85 billion on cleantech projects between 2009 and 2013.

“It is vital that New Zealand also starts making the transition, to combat climate change, but also to give ourselves the best chances of success in the 21st century,” Argent says.