Are you prepared for winter conditions?

Saturday 9 July 2011, 12:30PM

By Environment Canterbury



People in Greater Christchurch have shown the benefits of being prepared through numerous earthquake aftershocks, but is the wider Canterbury community prepared for the more predictable winter storm period? The Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management Group would like to remind people to stock up on essential items, just in case we have any power outages as a result of bad weather in coming weeks. 

In the 2006 snowstorm, road closures and power outages affected large parts of Canterbury. Many towns were isolated for days and weeks and householders reliant upon power to pump water from wells had to find alternative sources. 

“If we experience road closures and power cuts this winter, people may be on their own for three days or more and they need to prepare for this,” says Jon Mitchell, manager for the regional emergency management office.  

“This includes having stocks of food, water, fuel, alternative lighting and other emergency supplies on hand. Also, for businesses that depend on electricity or telecommunications, having a backup generator is a very good idea. 

“Checking supplies in your car is another good thing to do,” he says. 

Specific Emergency Preparedness Items:

    • Torch with spare batteries or a self-charging torch
    • Radio with spare batteries
    • First aid kit and essential medicines
    • Blankets or sleeping bags
    • Spare toilet paper and large rubbish bags for your emergency toilet
    • Face and dust masks
    • Alcohol-based hand cleanser
    • Paracetamol for flu preparedness
    • Pet supplies
    • Spare personal medications
    • Wind and waterproof clothing and strong outdoor shoes

·         Food and water for at least three days

    • Non-perishable food (canned or dried food that your household likes to eat)
    • Food, formula and drinks for babies and small children
    • Water for drinking. At least 3 litres per person, per day (Water containers?)
    • A camp-cooker or gas barbeque to cook on
    • A spare, full gas cylinder
    • A can opener
    • Water for washing and cooking


·         Suggested Winter Preparedness Items for Your Car:

    • Windshield scraper and brush
    • Battery or self-charging torch
    • Battery or self-charging radio
    • (Extra batteries)
    • Water
    • Snack food
    • First aid kit
    • Jumper cables
    • Hi-vis vest
    • Tow chain or rope
    • Cigarette lighter cell phone charger
    • Extra hats, socks and mittens
    • Wind and waterproof clothing and strong outdoor shoes
    • Necessary Personal medications
    • Blanket(s)
    • A shovel


·         Other Tips:

  • o   Reverse your car into the garage/driveway. This will prevent blocking your vehicle’s exhaust with snow when you drive off

  • o   Use kitty litter or sand to add traction on paths 

  • What not to do
    • Rely on using candles for heating/light
    • Overload power points. Use a multi board with a built in circuit breaker
    • Use a portable gas heater in an small, enclosed space
    • Cover heating appliances with clothing or other items

Road safety messages 

People considering driving over the mountain passes should take chains with them in case of snow and are advised to check road conditions and the weather forecast before setting out. 

Drive to the conditions. 

For more information relevant to your area contact your local CDEM Office or Rural Support Trust (0800 787 254)