More people in Nelson and Tasman are about to "Get Moving"

Thursday 21 July 2011, 4:39PM

By Tasman District Council



SPARC’s Active Communities funding of $300,000 has been confirmed meaning the Nelson Tasman “Get Moving” project is go. “Get Moving” is a project to get more people walking and cycling and to connect them with local clubs and sports organisations. This financial support from SPARC alongside the contributions from the Tasman District Council, Nelson City Council and Nelson Marlborough District Health Board combine to create a total investment of $450,000 dollars over the three years of the project. This investment, on top of staff and volunteer time will deliver a participation legacy for the Nelson Tasman region.

“Our region is already an active one” says Mike Tasman- Jones, Tasman District Council’s Community Recreation Adviser and leader of the Get Moving Project. “We want to get even more people cycling, walking and running on a daily basis for recreation and sport.”

Get Moving will develop a range of entry level activities and events to encourage people to participate. Its known that safety concerns, lack of knowledge of routes, lack of support and having no-one to participate with are key barriers to getting involved. Get Moving addresses this by creating and promoting fun, local and flexible opportunities. The “have a go type” events across the region will be a first step but participants will be encouraged to challenge themselves by getting into entry level competitive events run by local clubs, event organisers and Get Moving.

Alongside these activities a coordinating framework will be developed so that clubs and event organisers can work better together and the community can easily find out what’s on and how they can get involved.

“Councils are continuing to invest in wonderful sports infrastructure across the region including walk and cycle paths, sports fields and athletic tracks” said Mike, “with projects like Get Moving we want to ensure all the community get the opportunities to enjoy and benefit from this investment”.

Get Moving is an initiative of the Tasman District Council with input and support from local cycling and athletic clubs and organisations, Nelson City Council, Nelson Marlborough District Health Board and Sport Tasman. The target is to get over 200 people participating in activator programmes, 1000 in Ride and Stride, 500 in guided walks and rides and 1000 in Get Moving walking and cycling events.

The first Get Moving initiatives are targeted for Spring 2011. Look out for opportunities to join us.