Permanent appointment of Wairarapa Area Commander confirmed

Friday 29 July 2011, 2:26PM

By New Zealand Police



Detective Inspector Paul Basham today ends his eight month stint as the Acting Wairarapa Area Commander, following the permanent appointment of Inspector Brent Register.

Inspector Register will take up the role on Wednesday 10 August 2011.

Detective Inspector Paul Basham says he has mixed feelings about leaving the Wairarapa and has thoroughly enjoyed his time being part of the local community.

"My family and other work commitments now take me back to Wellington Area, however, I am honoured to have been a part of the Wairarapa Police team for as long as I have. Their dedication and professionalism continues to impress me."

He says, "Whilst there have been challenges in recent times, they are well and truly behind us and I believe I'm leaving the Area in good heart. I'd like to thank the community and the staff themselves for making me feel so welcome over the past eight months."