Orion appoints new CEO

Friday 5 August 2011, 10:22AM

By Orion NZ Ltd


Rob Jamieson
Rob Jamieson Credit: Orion NZ Ltd


Orion New Zealand Limited announced today that it has appointed Rob Jamieson as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 29 August 2011.

Rob has worked for Orion since 1994 in various capacities, most recently as General Manager Commercial. Orion is in a unique situation following the devastating Christchurch earthquakes in September 2010 and in February and June this year. Those events mean that the new CEO must lead the electricity lines company's reinstatement of its distribution network over the next few years.

There will also be a strong focus on employee wellbeing and safety following the special efforts of Orion staff to reconnect power to homes and businesses in Christchurch, after each of those earthquakes, in challenging circumstances.

Orion also needs to consider over the next year or two how its electricity network should be reconfigured in order to service the areas where new housing may be constructed.

Craig Boyce, Chairman of Orion, says he is very pleased that the appointment for this role was from the existing Orion executive team which has performed so well, especially over the last year. He also extends his thanks to Geoff Vazey, one of Orion's directors, who stepped into the Acting CEO role whilst the search for a new CEO was underway. This was done to allow the previous CEO of Orion, Roger Sutton, to move to the important role of CEO of CERA more quickly