Civic Honours go to four Whangarei citizens

Thursday 11 August 2011, 8:33PM

By Whangarei District Council



Four Whangarei residents have been presented with Civic Honours in recognition of their outstanding voluntary service to the community.

The awards are an annual event at which Whangarei District Council pays tribute to those whose concern for the welfare of others have made Whangarei a better place to be.

The four recipients this year are D’Arcy Bailey for his service to the RSA along with a wide-ranging involvement with other community organisations and charities; Loha Bruce for her long service to Victim Support; Harry Davis for developing and leading the charity funding sports group Kitty Hawks which has contributed many thousands of dollars to charitable organisations in the District; and Fraser Sim whose playing and teaching of the bagpipes, among a range of other community activities, has helped keep the Celtic history of Waipu alive and brought pleasure to thousands.

“It is astounding and humbling to realise how many good people are working and serving quietly in the background without thought of recognition or accolades,” says Cr Shelley Deeming, Chair of the selection panel.

“These are the people who just roll up their sleeves and get on with the job. They are the true heart of our community and put thousands of voluntary hours into helping and providing for others.

“Awarding a Civic Honour is a wonderful opportunity for Council to recognise and appreciate their efforts on behalf of the community,” Cr Deeming says. “These awards go just a small way toward letting these pillars of the community know that we recognise and value their contributions, and that Whangarei is a much richer place for their efforts.”

For more information about the Civic Honours Awards and this years recipients, follow the link below.

Civic Honours Award