Updates On Lord Monckton's Visit From The Climate Realists & More

Friday 12 August 2011, 1:11PM

By Clare Swinney


The following updates were received the Climate Realists Against the ETS, Esther and Neil Henderson on Thursday, 11 August 2011 at 9:56:37 p.m.

Greetings once again Climate Realists,
We’ve had a busy three weeks!
What a challenge it has been to get Lord Monckton to New Zealand and to get him out onto the stage and in the media.
A huge ‘thank you’ once again to all those on this network whose donations have made this visit possible. Without your financial support this visit would not have gone ahead.
The good news is that Lord Monckton has indicated a desire to return in about a year’s time. He hopes to travel back to Australia and if he does so, would include New Zealand in his itinerary.
With a much bigger lead-in time, it will be possible to plan a longer tour covering far more of the country. Watch this space!

In the meantime, here is a selection of clips of his various appearances:
Monckton on ‘The Nation’

National Press Club debate (Australia)

My thought: We should all thank Monckton greatly for his brilliant performance (and climatesceptics for helping to make this happen). I am sure there are quite a few journalists in that room who came away from the debate with “less certainty” about the skill and knowledge of their environmental reporters. It won’t be reported widely in the press, but the shift in attitude matters.
Sratos TV (The Beat Goes On) Interview with Lord Monckton
Monday 8 August 2011

NewstalkZB with Leighton Smith

Interview in Wellington Friday 5 August 2011
Interviewed by Pauline Rose, after Monckton’s lunchtime meeting at Te Puni Kokiri.
In this recording Lord Monckton defends himself against some of the criticism directed at him.

We have been overwhelmed with contributions for the newsletter this week- I’ve decided that it’s now already way too long so have saved a number of items for the next newsletter.
Happy reading and watching and listening,
Esther and Neil.
BSA Complaint

Hi Esther,

I have been chewing over the events of the past week and after meeting Christopher I feel he has been ill treated by the media. I telephoned the BSA and spoke to a lawyer called Patricia who was very helpful. She feels that there may well be a lack of balance in the programming and invited me to submit a complain which I have as follows however I would suggest that you also put the word out to get others to write in to complain at the lack of media coverage



What I wrote below:

Dear Sirs,

Quite by chance I discovered Lord Christopher Monckton was in New Zealand for the first time on a speaking tour. I was advised that he was originally engaged to talk on man made climate change on the Q&A Program and Closeup but following communication from the proponents of global warming the offer to appear was withdrawn. My Complaint is that we the public are being continually given one side of the climate issue. The inconvenient truth movie is labeled propaganda by the British courts, 31,000 scientists in America alone have signed a declaration to the effect that the IPCC science is unproven yet all we hear about is man made climate change and the need for an ETS yet nothing about the fact that we are carbon based lifeforms and increased C02 levels would enable plants to grow bigger and better, if the world did warm significantly then millions of acres could come under arable production in the Northern hemisphere (not good for NZ) and that climate changes occur naturally all the time evidence of which is easily found historically.

My complaint is that the broadcasting is unbalanced and biased. We should have balanced programs and this is not occurring. If you are unable to achieve this who can?
Vaclav Klaus speech
This is a very telling speech- recommend to everyone to listen and spread around.
Good morning ,

Think you would be interested in this article covering an address in Australia by Czech President Vaclav Klaus

From Australia:
RIO Tinto chief executive Tom Albanese has warned the government that the Australian economy is too fragile to cope with the contentious carbon tax. He said Australia should engage with the rest of the world to tackle climate change, but the approach should be “gradual”.

The government plans to price carbon dioxide emissions at $23 a tonne from next July before moving to an emissions trading scheme in three years.
A WORSENING of the economic conditions here and overseas dictates that the federal government must chart a new course on economic policy.

In a severe shock to the global financial system, the US last week was subject to its first credit rating downgrade in history…………………..

……………I suggest a four-step program for the government, if circumstances require it.

The first step is to revive economic confidence and secure Australia’s position as a worthy place to invest, by abandoning the economically destructive carbon and mining tax schemes.
Former Treasury secretary John Stone has blasted the federal government over its economic credentials and called for the “insane” mining and carbon taxes to be abolished amid the global turmoil engulfing Australia.
Read more:
Leighton mentioned this site this morning as one of his favourites.
BBC told: “Don’t give denialists so much air time”.
Here are some articles–

Arctic Sea Ice
Hi again

Of possible interest and definite relevance—
Scientists say current concerns over a tipping point in the disappearance of Arctic sea ice may be misplaced.
Danish researchers analysed ancient pieces of driftwood in north Greenland which they say is an accurate way to measure the extent of ancient ice loss.
Writing in the journal Science, the team found evidence that ice levels were about 50% lower 5,000 years ago.
They say changes to wind systems can slow down the rate of melting.
They argue, therefore, that a tipping point under current scenarios is unlikely………..

Joanne Nova on The 2011 Lord Monckton Tour

Introduction by The Hon. Dr Peter PHELPS, MLC

Joanne Nova has been explaining science as a professional speaker,
TV host, radio presenter, and book author for over a decade. Joanne
has performed in town halls, five star hotels, schools, outback
communities, and in a House briefing room in Washington. Her clients
include professional associations of accountants, doctors, engineers,
financial planners, and teachers.

For more with links, please go here: