Eight 40kmh Safer Speed Areas proposed for Hamilton

Monday 22 August 2011, 9:36AM

By Hamilton City Council



Hamilton City Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to introduce a 40km/h speed limit in eight areas of the city as part of the first stage of a national road safety initiative aimed at making urban streets safer.

The national Safer Journeys demonstration project aims to reduce the number and severity of crashes occurring on urban roads by establishing ‘Safer Speed Areas’ – residential areas in which it is not safe for the community if drivers travel faster than 40km/h.

Hamilton City Council is amongst the first councils looking to establish Safer Speed Areas as part of the national demonstration initiative. If successful, more Safer Speed Areas will be introduced within Hamilton, as well as in other communities throughout the country.

The eight areas selected by Council for Safer Speed Areas are Barrington, McNicol, Ngaere, Willoughby, Lethborg, Heath, Howell and Tamihana. These areas predominately back onto schools and serve a range of purposes in addition to a transport function – such as places where people exercise, walk their dogs or go to the shops.

The consultation period for the proposed Safer Speed Areas gets underway this week and runs until mid-September. If approved by Council, the new speed limits will come into effect in the Safer Speed Areas in mid-October.

Hamilton City Councillor Maria Westphal said the Safer Speed Areas are the next step in Council’s ongoing commitment to making the streets safer for residents and visitors.

“Hamilton City Council has invested a significant amount of effort over the years to developing and implementing strategies to ensure our streets are safer for the public,” she said.

“In our residential neighbourhoods and busy town centres where there are high numbers of pedestrians and cyclists, reducing speed limits by just 10km/h can significantly reduce the likelihood of someone being hit by a vehicle and can greatly improve their chances of survival should a crash occur.”

Feedback on the proposed Safer Speed Areas can be made by contacting Hamilton City Council on 07 838 6999 or Residents can also submit their interest in having Safer Speed Areas established in other parts of the city by completing a submission form on

An awareness campaign about the proposed Safer Speed Areas also gets underway this week and will run through print, radio and online media, as well as school newsletters and community notice boards.

More information is available at