Give an aussie a break in Napier

Tuesday 23 August 2011, 7:17PM

By Napier City Council



As part of the Napier Tourism promotion into Australia earlier this year “Give an Aussie a break”, the city offered a prize for 2 people to spend a week in Napier from Innisfail, south of Cairns, North Queensland.

Innisfail was devastated 10 years ago by Cyclone Larry and again last year by Cyclone Yasi. A year after Larry the Queensland Government contracted Napier City Council Staff to write their development plan, based on architectural preservation from the Art Deco period. Like Napier, Innisfail was rebuilt in the early 30’s after a cyclone in the late 1920’s and their city, about half the size of Napier also features some magnificent period buildings.

“Through our relationship with the Innisfail Art Deco Society, we ran a competition for a week stay in Napier” said Mayor Barbara Arnott. “The winner as chosen by their Society is Christine Newman. She arrived in Napier this week with her Partner, Christopher. On the announcement Christine stated that her interest in all things Art Deco had multiplied ‘tenfold’!”

“I know the two Chris’s got a bit of a shock leaving North Queensland and arriving here in the middle of a winter freeze” said Barbara, “but we have lots for them to see and do, in particular around Art Deco. Christine owns an Antique shop in their town and is mad keen on the Art Deco era”.

After a week stay at Te Pania Hotel the couple will spend a second week visiting other North Island locations on their way back to Auckland before returning home.

Barbara Arnott