Cash prizes for teens in ripper-rugby tournament

Wednesday 21 September 2011, 6:02PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council (RDC) is encouraging local teens to join in the city’s Ultimate Rippa-Rugby Tournament.

The tournament is being held on Sunday 9 October at Kuirau Park and teams are encouraged to dress as their favourite Rugby World Cup 2011 team.

There’s $600 worth of cash prizes up for grabs for the top three place getters, as well as heaps of spot prizes.

RDC youth projects officer Jill Campbell says the social competition is an affordable and fun opportunity for high school students to participate in local rugby celebrations, and encourages teams to get in quick as registrations close at the end of the month.

“Rotorua district youth councillors came up with the idea of a ripper-rugby tournament as a great way to get the city’s teenagers involved in local rugby events.

“Ripper-rugby has become a popular, non-contact sport that both males and females can enjoy. In fact, each team must have at least one female player on its side.

“The object of the game is to score a try by grounding the ball behind or on the opponent’s try line. To prevent a try being scored, the six defenders must rip the flag from the belt of the ball carrier. This forces the ball carrier to pass the ball. Six rips against the attacking team in one set of possession results in the ball being turned over to the defending team.”

The drug and alcohol-free event will take place rain or shine.

Teams must have between seven and ten players aged between 13 to 18 years old. Registrations are $10 per team and must reach Jill Campbell at Rotorua District Council by Friday 30 September. Entry forms are available from Rotorua District Council, local schools, or online at .