Taking care of Hormonal Business

Monday 26 September 2011, 12:49PM



Like many trace minerals, zinc is essential for all but it is particularly relevant for pregnant women, pre-menstrual women, teenagers going through a growth spurt and men over 40 among others. Perhaps an unexpected grouping, but zinc plays a key role in supporting immunity, hormonal balance, fertility, healthy hair and skin, and men’s prostate health.

Red Seal has combined zinc, B6 and magnesium to provide a supplement that is ideal for women on the oral contraceptive pill, which often depletes these nutrients. It is also a great support for anyone struggling with fertility problems and helps regulate sexual development in teens.

The highest concentrations of zinc are found in the prostate gland and sperm cells of men so they are particularly susceptible to zinc deficiency as they approach mid-life.
Minerals are critical for our bodies to function well and this supplement is a great way to ensure we protect ourselves when our hormonal balance is under pressure.

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