Driver Directions helps parents and teens hone driving skills

Tuesday 27 September 2011, 12:51PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua parents are being encouraged to attend a free driving skills course in Taupo with their young drivers next month.

Driver Directions is being held at Taupo Motorsport Park on Tuesday 11 October, with a number of qualified driving instructors and police taking participants through practical driving skills accompanied by their parents or caregivers.

Rotorua District Council road safety coordinator Jodie Lawson says Driver Directions is a valuable opportunity for teenagers on learners’ and restricted licences to practice their driving skills in a safe off-road environment. She says involving parents means both students and parents become better educated.

“It’s a free course but a valuable investment in young drivers’ and their parents’ lives. Road crashes are the single greatest killer of 15 to 24 year olds, and the leading cause of their permanent injury.

“With the increasing number of road crash fatalities involving teenage drivers in Rotorua over the past two years, Driver Directions is a timely, and possibly the most important course that parents of young drivers may ever attend.”

There are limited spaces on Driver Directions so those wanting to participate should register with Jodie Lawson by calling her on 027 454 5713 as soon as possible. Drivers must have their own cars and have a parent or guardian with them at all times.

Driver Directions is supported by Rotorua District Council, Rotorua Police, Unison Contracting, Rotorua Rotarians, and local driving instructors.

"Unison Contracting and other local businesses have really come to the party to help provide Driver Directions to the community. We'd love it if other organisations also came on board so that Driver Directions can be made available more regularly," says Ms Lawson.

Ms Lawson is encouraging parents to check out NZTA’s Safer Journeys for Teen Drivers online resource at