On ya bike with Westpac and iWay

Friday 30 September 2011, 9:02AM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District Council has taken another innovative step forward with its iWay project which aims to make walking and cycling easy, safe and fun.

‘On ya bike with Westpac’ will help with the upfront cost of a new bike which in turn will encourage more people to get out cycling. The unique partnership between Council and Westpac will provide an attractive interest rate to people purchasing a new bike.

The special rate of 5.95% will be available for new bike purchases from Hawke’s Bay retailers, starting October 1st 2011.

Deputy Mayor Cynthia Bowers is delighted Westpac has partnered with council on this initiative. “On ya bike with Westpac’ will significantly reduce the cost barrier, making it easier for people to purchase a bike, which in turn will help increase the number of cyclists around the district. Hawke’s Bay is the cycling capital of New Zealand and we want more of our community to discover the joys of cycling and to enjoy our great outdoors.”

“Cycling means different things to different people. For some it's the challenge of a ride around the cycle ways, for others it's the best way of keeping fit or getting to work. Whichever it is for you, this initiative will make it just a little easier to buy that new bike,” Councillor Bowers says.

Hastings Westpac Branch Manager Andrew Sanders says the initiative is a tangible way for Westpac to show its support for the iWay project and the broader cycling developments in the region. “Hawke’s Bay is blessed to have an environment which supports outdoor activities and we’re pleased Westpac can support the community and make it easier for people to take advantage of the new cycle lanes and pathways which have sprung up around the district, as part of the iWay project.”

Further details for “On ya bike with Westpac” are available from your local Westpac Bank. Normal credit card criteria apply.