Ngai Te Rangi Launches Online TV Channel -

Monday 3 October 2011, 3:44PM

By Ngai Te Rangi



At 6pm on Monday Tauranga iwi Ngai Te Rangi will launch Ao TV, an online TV channel that aims to keep the iwi and local community updated with information about what the iwi is doing and what is going on in the community.

The channel is a joint venture between the iwi and Ziln, a specialist micro-broadcasting channel provider.

The Maori word Ao means ‘the World’ and is pronounced ‘Our’ in English. So the station name is Ao TV (Our TV).

Ngai Te Rangi spokesperson Paora Stanley says the channel will be about ‘our world’ in Tauranga Moana as seen by the people who live there and are from there so the name is appropriate on many levels.

Stanley says the channel may not be as financially resourced as TVNZ but it will be a formidable communications vehicle that can grow with the iwi.

“We are using modest camera equipment but industry standard software. We have been using the channel to train people as reporters, camera people, editors and producers. As time goes by we will get better and better learning as we go and developing experience.

“We are getting advice from broadcasting professionals such as television producer and presenter Wena Harawira who is from Ngai Te Rangi.”

Stanley says the idea sprang from seeing online television technology presented at an IT conference in Auckland.

“Originally this started as a project to support our youth. We were looking for good communications vehicles for our youth programmes and we noticed other youth programmes in Tauranga were attempting to do what we were doing through You Tube so we thought, ‘why not create a platform that everyone can use’. It grew from there.”

He says the mechanics of producing television is not as complex and as remote from people as it used to be.

“If people have a flip video camera they can produce information and entertainment pieces.”

One of the first programmes to show will be a youth focused programme ‘Word from the Street’ produced by Jayson Gardiner.

Stanley says he believes Tauranga people might appreciate having another perspective on the news as we see it. The Ao TV reporters all speak both English and Maori.

“We would like schools to come and work alongside us and we will be approaching them to talk about them producing their own programmes or news.

“We are excited about Ao TV as a training tool for young people. We are open to hearing from people with specific expertise in television production, journalism and camera work who might like to assist.”

Tauranga PR consultant and journalist Darrell Carlin says the initiative is innovative and Ao TV could become a focal point for community activity.

“Once again Ngai Te Rangi is developing interesting ideas and most importantly putting them into action.

“The technology now available creates the opportunity for everyone to be news gatherers and to give interpretations of events that show diversity of thought and expand our understanding of the breadth of the community in which we live.

“What is exciting is that people can develop an idea then go to work and make it happen and have an avenue to show their work, and allows people to view programmes when they want.” from 6pm Monday 3rd October.