Poppies in Seymour Square

Thursday 20 October 2011, 5:08PM

By Marlborough District Council


Iceland poppies (Papaver nudicaule) bring a bright splash of colour to Seymour Square.
Iceland poppies (Papaver nudicaule) bring a bright splash of colour to Seymour Square. Credit: Marlborough District Council


The ‘retro’ poppy variety is an old favourite currently enjoying another burst of popularity.

Originating in Siberia, as opposed to Iceland, they cope well with the cold snaps we’ve had during October.

Seymour Square is the Council’s town centre showcase garden. Each year, it attracts great feedback from the hundreds of gardening aficionados who arrive here for Hunter’s Garden Marlborough.

The gardens are the backdrop for the final day of the event when large crowds attend the garden fête.