Brash's pot stance brewed teapot saga

Friday 18 November 2011, 8:50AM



The storm in the teapot saga happened because of Brash's support for cannabis law reform.

Banks and Key believe that Brash lost his credibility when he called for a rational approach to cannabis policy.

Despite 72% of respondents to a Campbell Live poll supporting Brash, he met the inevitable backlash from the prohibition lobby.

The power of the prohibition lobby highlights the importance of the ALCP as a world-leading human-rights and freedom movement, party leader and human rights lawyer Michael Appleby said.

If Brash losses the leadership of the ACT party, Mr Appleby will invite Brash to stand for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party in the next election.

"Dr Brash has not used cannabis but has reviewed the evidence and says their is a compelling case for relaxing the cannabis laws, saving $100 million on police enforcement costs each year."

When a high ranking candidate has a conversation with the Prime Minister about matters of public interest in a public location there is no expectation of privacy. (Lange Vs Aitkenson)

"Key said cannabis leads to criminal activity and other drugs, however this is a result of Prohibition," Mr Appleby said.

"Profits from the cannabis black market and the link to hard drugs would end if cannabis was legal and regulated."