Foundations laid for New Zealand's first Passive House

Monday 12 December 2011, 5:39PM

By Auckland Council



Forward-thinking Aucklander Philip Ivanier has begun work on Australasia’s first Certified Passive House in Glendowie. His move is applauded by Auckland Council which is working on initiatives to improve Auckland’s existing housing.

Passive Houses are increasingly common around the world, receiving a boost from TV shows like Grand Designs. They make maximum use of the sun, internal heat sources and heat recovery to create a dry and warm house, drastically reducing home heating bills. The house’s thick insulation, limited thermal bridging and an air tightness layer combine to keep it warm in winter and cool in summer.

The house’s owner, Philip Ivanier, is self taught. He was inspired to start the project after he moved to New Zealand from Canada and struggled to find a well-insulated and energy efficient house for his young family.

“I engaged Jessop Architects who had never designed a house like this before, the council had never considered the kind of resource consents I needed, and a large number of the materials for the house are being shipped in as they are not available here. While it has been challenging on many fronts, it will now be much easier for others in the future as the foundation has been laid,” he says.

Auckland Council’s Urban Design Champion Ludo Campbell-Reid fully supports Philip’s project. “Philip is leading the way here for a new form of environmentally sustainable, high-quality home that is cheap to run. As a council we are looking forward to seeing the results and want to empower people like Philip to be able to do things that will improve housing.”

For existing homes, the council also runs a Retrofit Your Home programme which offers low interest loans for energy efficient improvements such as insulation, heat pumps and more. For more information, visit key word Retrofit Your Home.