Welcome for approval of the Mount Cass wind farm in Canterbury

Wednesday 14 December 2011, 3:34PM

By New Zealand Wind Energy Association



The approval of resource consent for a wind farm in Canterbury has been welcomed by Eric Pyle, Chief Executive of the NZ Wind Energy Association. “The approval of the Mount Cass wind farm by the Environment Court is a much needed boost for the supply of electricity to northern South Island and the environment,” he says.
The responsible plans for development of the wind farm with conservation benefits by local electricity lines company MainPower have also been supported by Mr Pyle. “The Environment Court has recognised that MainPower put a lot of effort into improving biodiversity as part of the project plans.
“The Mount Cass wind farm will be a big win for the environment and the people of Canterbury. It proves that the wind industry can deliver renewable energy together with conservation benefits and cheaper, more reliable electricity.”
The proposed Mount Cass wind farm is 5.5km from Waipara in north Canterbury. It would form part of MainPower’s electricity supply to North Canterbury and Kaikoura. “It is the first major wind farm in this area to achieve resource consent and an important source of clean energy for local homes and businesses,” said Eric Pyle.
“It is too early to say when construction might go ahead, but MainPower can now look closely at their plans and review the best choice of current models to generate cost effective electricity,” says Eric Pyle. “We welcome the addition of Mount Cass to the list of available wind farm sites around New Zealand.”