Mayors Urge Residents to Take Care

Thursday 15 December 2011, 5:35PM

By Tasman District Council



Look after each other, stay home, conserve water is the key message from Nelson Mayor Aldo Miccio.

“The region is currently experiencing a very severe weather storm. The level of rainfall over the last two days has broken a number of records triggering a state of emergency something the region has not seen for over 20 years,” he says.

“While the rivers have been coping relatively well the rain has caused severe surface flooding and has saturated land to the point of movement. This is not a short term event - its effects are going to be felt for some time.”

Tasman Mayor Richard Kempthorne says this is a time where your best move is to you look after yourselves, your family and friends.

“There are a large number of people throughout the region who have been affected directly and for who access to services has become paramount,” he says.

“The Civil Defence teams, emergency services, related agencies and contractors are all working extremely hard to provide assistance and to respond to the emergency.”

Residents are advised:

  • Stay off the roads – only travel if absolutely necessary. Please keep roads clear for emergency vehicles and contractors.
  • Conserve water wherever possible.
  • Be conservative with flushing toilets, showering etc.


If you or your family are in immediate danger please contact emergency services on 111.

If you need assistance, such as accommodation, please contact your respective Council call centre:

  • Tasman District Council 03 543 8400
  • Nelson City Council 03 546 0200