Maritime Union welcomes new extended shipping service to Ports of Auckland

Sunday 18 December 2011, 11:09AM

By aritime Union of New Zealand



The Maritime Union says the announcement of a new extended international shipping service at the Ports of Auckland is great news.

An expanded service operated by global shipping lines OOCL and CMA CGM has been announced as part of its ANZEX service covering the New Zealand and Far East markets, that will boost shipping calls in Auckland.

Maritime Union National President Garry Parsloe says the decision is a vote of confidence in the port.

He says it reinforces the case made by the New Zealand Herald in a recent editorial that occasional labour disputes were an "improbable" factor for global shipping lines deciding their ports of call.

Mr Parsloe says it was unusual that the Maritime Union was having to welcome the new service, since Ports of Auckland management had been mute on the positive development.

"Ports of Auckland CEO Tony Gibson's bad news media machine has spent the last month bagging his own port, criticizing the workforce, saying its productivity is no good, praising up his competition and going out to bat for Maersk. But when they get some good news, they go all quiet. It's like they want to promote all the negative stuff and ignore the successes."

Mr Parsloe says the extended shipping service is a great boost for the Ports of Auckland and proved that the port had an excellent future.

He says that the announcement could be embarrassing for the Ports of Auckland CEO, given his recent comments that blamed the Maritime Union for loss of shipping calls at the port.

"However a little personal embarrassment is not important compared to the big picture that Ports of Auckland continues to attract new shipping and this reflects well on the port and its workforce."

Mr Parsloe says he hopes that management would now concentrate on a successful conclusion to current employment negotiations rather than promoting non-issues.