RCCNZ coordinates southern ocean rescue (5)

Sunday 18 December 2011, 1:18PM

By Maritime New Zealand



18 December 2011 - 8.00AM

Crew on board the Russian vessel Sparta, which sustained damage to its hull while fishing in the Ross Sea, have continued working overnight to stabilise the boat.

Sparta issued a distress call around 3am on Friday from a position next to the Antarctic ice shelf, about 2000 nautical miles (3704 kilometres) south east of New Zealand.

The 48m vessel, with 32 crew on board, had hit ice and put a 30cm hole in the hull, 1.5m below the water line. It was taking on water and listing 13 degrees.

The crew made good progress slowing water ingress on Friday night and yesterday, a Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) C130 Hercules dropped off extra pumping equipment and fuel to the vessel, after a seven-hour flight from Christchurch.

Sparta’s crew advised overnight that temporary patches they had attached to the damaged section of hull had failed and the boat was again taking on water – however, this morning, they have confirmed water ingress has again been stopped.

RCCNZ search and rescue mission coordinator Dave Wilson said Sparta remained in a precarious position.

“This highlights the importance of the RNZAF’s mission in delivering the pumping equipment yesterday. This equipment has enabled them to get on top of the water ingress again, and they will now be working to fix the patches more securely.”

Mr Wilson said with rescue still days away, the stabilisation work was vital as the fishing vessel was providing shelter to the 32-man crew.

“They have life rafts but with the conditions down there, it’s much safer for them if they can wait for rescue on board their vessel.”

Mr Wilson said the two vessels Sel Jevaer and Chiyo Maru no. 3 were continuing to proceed towards Sparta. Their progress is being hampered by heavy sea ice and the vessels are expected to take several days to reach Sparta’s position.

Yesterday, RCCNZ released the New Zealand vessel San Aspiring from the rescue operation, after its crew confirmed the conditions were too difficult for it to proceed.

San Aspiring was 470 nautical miles away from Sparta but would have had to travel much further than that to reach the vessel, because there was no direct line through the ice,” Mr Wilson said.

“They confirmed the journey would take too long and would potentially put their own crew in danger.”

Sparta’s owner has commissioned the South Korean icebreaker Araon to go to Sparta to offer assistance. Araon left New Zealand just after midnight and is expected to take about eight days to reach Sparta.