Kapiti Mana Police urge enjoyable, violence-free Christmas

Monday 19 December 2011, 3:56PM

By New Zealand Police



Kapiti Mana Police are urging families to have an enjoyable, safe and violence-free Christmas this year.

Family Violence Coordinator Detective Sergeant Dave Jones says at this time of the year, Police typically attend more family violence incidents than at any other time of the year.

He says there is often a lot of pressures associated with Christmas, like money, visiting relatives, relationship problems and access to children. These are no excuses for violence and we don't want these to spoil Christmas for anyone.

"Alcohol is also a significant contributor to violence in the home and we urge people to go easy on it this festive season."

Dave Jones says anyone who is concerned for their own or someone else's safety should contact Police immediately.

There are a range of support services available to victims of family violence who want to break the cycle. These include the Women's Refuge (free phone 0800 REFUGE) and Victim Support (0800 VICTIM).

"Don't let your children's memories of Christmas be tarnished by violence. Family violence is not okay and it's okay to ask for help."

Detective Sergeant Jones says it's really important to remember that the best gift you can give your family this Christmas is a violence-free one."

Anyone who is in immediate danger in a violent situation should phone 111 immediately.