Restricted Fire Season Has Begun

Thursday 22 December 2011, 2:25PM

By Marlborough District Council



Marlborough’s hot dry summer has yet to arrive but that does not mean forgetting about the fire restrictions across the region.

A hot, dry summer means a lighted match or glowing cigarette butt can have devastating results. Even a burn-up of garden rubbish can become a problem in the summer nor-wester.
One common cause of fires in rural areas is where a mower strikes something hard which causes a spark. Cut down the risk by mowing in cooler temperatures, early in the morning or early evening.

Fire seasons are put in place at different times of the year across the district.

In the open fire season there are no limitations.

In the restricted season, fires may be lit only with a permit.

Under a total fire, ban no fires are allowed under any circumstances.

The Restricted Fire Season in Marlborough began on Tuesday 20 December 2011.

There are also special fire protection zones in parts of Marlborough where a fire permit is always required before lighting a fire in the open.

Permission will depend on such things as the size and scale of the fire, the conditions of the location and the availability of water. Other factors like the surrounding vegetation and proximity to buildings or haystacks is considered, as is the presence of risks like overhead wires or fuel storage.

The Marlborough District Council and the Department of Conservation are responsible for granting fire permits, depending on the location of the fire.