Media Statement from family of Stephen Robert Hopkirk

Monday 9 January 2012, 2:45PM

By New Zealand Police


Stephen Hopkirk
Stephen Hopkirk Credit: New Zealand Police

Please find below a media statement from the family of Stephen Robert Hopkirk, who was killed in the hot air balloon crash in Somerset Road, Carterton on Saturday morning.

You can attribute this statement to Stephen's sister Ruth McIntosh. Media please note Stephen's family do not wish to release any further statements or conduct any interviews with media.

‘Stephen was an easy-going man, with a kind heart. He was deeply devoted to his late wife Pam, caring for her through a long illness. He and his recent partner Belinda were inseparable; together they enjoyed a whirl of outdoor activities.

They lived together in Korokoro and had bought a bus, planning to put their jobs on hold and go exploring.

Having just returned from a trip mountain biking in National Park after Christmas, the early morning balloon ride was a surprise gift from Belinda for Stephen's 50th birthday on the 7th of January, something he had been wanting to experience. His parents Merle and Bob were waiting to greet the couple on their return with birthday wishes.

Stephen grew up in a loving family with one brother and three sisters in Ardmore, Masterton and Lower Hutt. He attended Naenae College and completed a degree in Botany at Victoria University.

He worked for IBM in Petone for many years. Described as an intelligent and practical man, Stephen could turn his hand at anything from computers to home renovation.

He was the one his family and friends called on to help them and he never said 'no'. His beloved Aunty recalls giving him a list of jobs on his frequent visits, which he would graciously work his way through. A real 'kiwi' guy, quiet and unassuming but strong and determined.

The 7th of January has always been a special day for the Hopkirk family. The day is Stephen's parent's wedding anniversary; they have been happily married for 56 years. Stephen also shared his birthday with a nephew. Now, it will also be known for the day he died.

An amazing son, brother, and friend who will be greatly missed.