Most to Most - 30 kilometres in 30 days

Tuesday 17 January 2012, 11:14AM

By Charity Matters


Cheryle Robins of Christchurch is aiming to get to New Orleans for The C4YW Annual Conference for Young Women affected by Breast Cancer, and to get there she’s putting her endurance to the test.

Cheryle along with Kylie Richardson, who have both been through so much with the earthquakes that have been rattling Christchurch for the last year are determined to get to New Orleans for the conference.

Their determination is sparked by their own person situation and their desire to be able to bring back and share valuable information with others is making them pull out all the stops.

They’ve been awarded partial travel grants from the conference organisers which will cover 3 nights accommodation and part of the flight costs. Now they’re trying to raise the rest, with the flights booked, there’s a real need to reach out to the community to help them make the trip to the conference.

Cheryle Robins has kicked off January with a goal to swim 30kms in 30 days – and as she says “Not being one for kayaking, cycling or running over mountains (or indeed anywhere if truth be told) I am embarking on my own personal event…(drum roll)…. The Most to Most – 30kms in 30 days.

“In true endurance fashion I’ll be swimming from Darfield, once infamous as the most shaky place in NZ courtesy of the 7.4 earthquake in September 2010, to Christchurch now officially the most shaky place in NZ after the 6.3 earthquake in February 2011.

“The swim is 30kms as the crow flies and I am going to swim the whole way (not literally you understand!) but, the equivalent distance at the local pool, in 30 days starting 2nd Jan and I would love you to please sponsor me and support this worthy cause.”

In 2010, aged just 34, Cheryle was diagnosed with rare and aggressive Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) while breastfeeding her one year old son. After 16 treatments of chemotherapy, a bilateral mastectomy and 25 sessions of radiation, she’s now out the other side and having continued hormone therapy.

She has also inherited the BRCA2 breast cancer gene mutation and faces further prophylactic surgery in the future.

With the unconditional love and support of her boys, her family and amazing friends Cheryle has been able to co-found Shocking Pink and create something positive from her situation.

Kylie and Cheryle will be updating people on the progress of “Most to Most – 30kms in 30 Days” and people can support them with donations toward the trip to the conference by donating on their Give a Little page


Web: Shocking Pink