Sister city Mayoral delegation visits Hutt City

Wednesday 18 January 2012, 6:12PM

By Hutt City Council



A Japanese sister city delegation from Minoh, Osaka, led by Mayor Tetsuro Kurata, will visit Lower Hutt on Friday, 27 January, the Mayor of Lower Hutt Ray Wallace said today.

“Our sister city relationship with Minoh began in the mid-1990s and has been richly rewarding with a steady stream of student and teacher exchanges between the two cities,” he said.

“We are very honoured to have the delegation visit.

“There are many symbols of our friendship including the Hutt Minoh Friendship House in Normandale which serves as a Japanese cultural centre on the hills overlooking the city.
“Income from this property is used to fund cultural exchanges by students from across the greater Wellington region.

“The Hashimoto cherry blossom memorial walk in Riddiford Gardens adjacent to the council administration centre honours a former Mayor of Minoh, the lateTakashi Hashimoto, who helped forge our warm relationship,” he said.

The Minoh delegation will be greeted with a powhiri before meeting with the Mayor on Friday morning at 11am. Afterwards they will visit Waka House and Hetet Studio. The group will undertake sightseeing before attending an Open Day at Minoh House on Sunday afternoon where demonstrations will include a traditional tea ceremony, kamishibai story telling, calligraphy, and kyudo, Japanese archery. There will also be an art exhibition.

“This is an opportunity to reinforce our relationship for the future,” Mayor Wallace said.