Protecting the little guys on fireworks night

Friday 26 October 2007, 12:55PM

By Plunket

446 views Credit: ERMA

Parental supervision is the most important thing to remember for Guy Fawkes Night, according to Plunket's National Safety Adviser, Sue Campbell.

"Young children often copy adults, so it is important to make sure that any potential dangers are kept well out of reach, like matches, lighters and fireworks - particularly on this night when excitement is high and it's easy to forget," advises Sue.

"While Guy Fawkes Night has become a social evening for families to get together with friends and neighbours at public and private events, children of all ages need to be kept safe and warm".

"Parents and children alike enjoy the fun of fireworks but all too often horrific injuries result from careless or ill-informed handling', says Sue. 'In the past years, numerous children have been admitted to New Zealand hospital with fireworks-related burns."

Plunket encourages people to attend the controlled public displays around the country while also acknowledging some families will continue the practice of home displays.

Sue urges those families to visit the website  and to follow these safety guidelines:
• Ensure a responsible adult is in charge of lighting fireworks and that children are kept at a safe distance.
• Read the safety instructions on fireworks BEFORE using them.
• Be prepared for any possible emergency. Keep a bucket of water or a hose handy and take care in safely storing fireworks, matches and lighters away from children's reach and dispose of debris from the night.
• Ensure a second responsible person takes great care to ensure any children present on the night - or nearby - will remain at a safe distance during the display.
• It's also a good idea to lock family pets safely away in the house to avoid injury or distress.

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